
Step By Step Install Bind DNS Slave Server on Ubuntu 20.04

Today, I want to install the Bind DNS Slave server on Ubuntu 20.04. In the last post, I wrote about how to install the Bind Master server.
Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) is the most popular Domain Name System (DNS) server in use today. It was developed in the 1980s at the University of Berkley and is currently in version 9. BIND is an open-source system free to download and use, offered under the Mozilla Public License.

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Step By Step Install Bind DNS Master Server on Ubuntu 20.04

Today, I want to install the Bind DNS Master server on Ubuntu 20.04.
Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) is the most popular Domain Name System (DNS) server in use today. It was developed in the 1980s at the University of Berkley and is currently in version 9. BIND is an open-source system free to download and use, offered under the Mozilla Public License.

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Step By Step Install Nested Proxmox on ESXi

What is the purpose of Proxmox?

Proxmox VE is an open-source server virtualization platform to manage two virtualization technologies: Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) for virtual machines and LXC for containers – with a single web-based interface.

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How to change vCenter Server Certificate

Hi, Today I decided to change my VCSA 8.0 certificate. For this purpose, we must do 4 things:

 Create CSR from the vCenter server
 Get a Certificate from an authority CA (I use a Microsoft CA server)
 Install OpenSSL and Convert the CER format certificate to PEM format
Assign it to vCenter

Let’s start.
1. Create CSR from the vCenter server:
1-1 Login to vCenter Server

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