Install vCloud Director 10.4 Step by Step 01

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Hi, Today I decided to install vCloud Director 10.4.  

What is vCloud Director?

VMware vCloud Director (VMware vCD) is a platform with multi-tenant support for managing software-defined data centers (SDDC) and providing infrastructure as a service (IaaS) to customers.

You can download it from here


1- Make A record and reverse record for your vCloud Director.

2- NFS folder with full access permissions for the transfer file location

vCloud Director Install steps:

1- Select OVF, Enter a name, and select a compute resource for your virtual machine:

2- accept all license agreements, Then:

3-Select your deployment configuration, Then:

4- Select your DataStore, Then:

5-Select networks, Then:

Starting with version 9.7, the VMware Cloud Director appliance is deployed with two networks, eth0, and eth1, so that you can isolate the HTTP traffic from the database traffic. Different services listen to one or both of the corresponding network interfaces.

HTTP traffic and console traffic use eth0. The internal database traffic uses eth1.
Note: The eth0 and eth1 networks must be placed on separate subnets.

Service Port-on-eth0 Port-on-eth1
SSH 22 22
HTTP 80 n/a
HTTPS 443 n/a
PostgreSQL n/a 5432
Management UI 5480 5480
Console proxy 8443 n/a
JMX 8998, 8999 n/a
JMS/ActiveMQ 61616 n/a

5-Enter NTP, root password, and Enable SSH root login, Then:

6-Enter your gateway for eth1, Then:

7-Enter Default gateway, Domain name, and other parameters, Then:

8- Review your settings and Finally click on the Finish button

9-Congratulation 🙂

10-Please open https://vCloud-IP-or-Name:5480, Then:

Enter NFS mount for the transfer file location:

“IP NFS Server”:/“Your mount Folder”

Enter a password for the vCloud user for DB access, Then:

Enter a system name for creating a folder in VMware vCenter Server, Then:

If you want to log in to the provider, please use: https://vCloud-IP-or-Name/provider

Finish 🙂

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2 thoughts on “Install vCloud Director 10.4 Step by Step 01

  1. I have tried several times with the ETH1 routing stuff and can never seem to get it working. I have NSX-T installed and a segment set up for VMs but using that with the ETH1 config. I tried your instructions but still have issues connecting to complete the setup. Any suggestions?

  2. Hi Chris,
    Starting with version 9.7, the VMware Cloud Director appliance is deployed with two networks, eth0, and eth1, so that you can isolate the HTTP traffic from the database traffic. Different services listen to one or both of the corresponding network interfaces.
    Note: The eth0 and eth1 networks must be placed on separate subnets.
    Service Port-on-eth0 Port-on-eth1
    SSH 22 22
    HTTP 80 n/a
    HTTPS 443 n/a
    PostgreSQL n/a 5432
    Management UI 5480 5480
    Console proxy 8443 n/a
    JMX 8998, 8999 n/a
    JMS/ActiveMQ 61616 n/a

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